Tag Archives: 90 years

PEN American Center : Literature Knows No Frontiers: John Galsworthy and the Shaping of PEN.


The 90th Anniversary of International PEN occurs in 2012.
This archive piece by PEN American Center sets out some of the
history of International PEN.

International PEN  has much to celebrate with 20,000 writers in 100
countries keeping in touch through conference, committee and widespread
use of social-media. I am including as link , a monthly letter from  John Ralston Saul
to our  International PEN members.


“This past Sunday marked the birthday of English novelist, playwright, and Nobel Laureate John Galsworthy (1867–1933), the first President of PEN International and author of the first three articles of PEN’s charter. As we look forward to our 90th anniversary in 2012, we also look back to our founding principles, which were written in a period with parallels to today’s uncertain climate for free expression.


History of the PEN Charter : https://www.irishpen.com/wordpress/history-of-the-pen-charter/
Letter from John Ralston Saul to PEN members  http://www.internationalpen.org.uk/go/news/monthly-letter-from-john-ralston-saul-to-the-membership